July 19, 2018
The Epic Diaries: Meet Suzann!

There are a lot of things that make working at Epic Notion great. Being a digital marketing agency in the booming Southend area of Charlotte, our team is able to enjoy after-work happy hours, lunch outings and a quick coffee break on a regular basis. However, the one thing that truly sets our team apart is simple: it’s the people. The Epic Notion team consists of passionate, quirky, fun and driven individuals who love digital marketing and driving results for our clients.
Take a moment to get to know one of our rockstar team members, Suzann. Paid search queen and digital marketing manager, Suzann is an awesome asset to the Epic family.
What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
I try to throw on some clothes and take a walk around the neighborhood to get my blood going, but sometimes I only make it as far as a cup of tea in the kitchen with the cats
You’re ready to head out the door for work – do you have one thing you never leave home without?
Chapstick! I seriously have it everywhere – all around my house, in the car, in my purse…I’m keeping them in business!
Do you have any morning routines during the week?
I always catch up on local news in the morning, jumping around to a couple of local morning shows (WCCB and WCNC usually) and then local blogs like Charlotte Agenda, Charlotte 5. I also cruise Twitter and Facebook for anything crazy I missed overnight.
It’s the weekend – cheers! What do your weekends typically consist of?
I would REALLY love to say sleep, but usually I’m getting ready for a gig (I’ve been a DJ for over 25 years) or sci-fi or comic convention (I’ve been a cosplayer for about 15 years.) I also am a big fan of meal prepping on the weekends so I can just grab-and-go during the week. Plus, the usual joys of home ownership, being a cat-mom to seven furry felines (four indoor rescues and three outdoor feral cats) and working in as much time with my husband as possible.
Outside of work, what are you passionate about?
Other than friends and family, I love reading (typically sci-fi and fantasy), cooking (one day I’ll get through everything on Pinterest!) and being crafty (home improvement, sewing, and the occasional artsy-fartsy project).
Share your top tip for someone who is interested in pursuing a marketing career.
Have multiple personalities. You need to be able to put yourself into the shoes of who you’re marketing to – in one day, you might need to be a 75-year-old grandmother, a millennial environmentalist, and a dog-loving stay-at-home dad across your accounts. Personas are everything.
What is the best career advice you have ever received?
In the animated movie “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” the motto of every mongoose family is “run and find out.” Always be ready to learn something new and take the initiative to dig in to figure it out.
What is your favorite part about working at Epic Notion?
The culture and the people…when you look forward to coming to the office, it absolutely changes your whole work ethic.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Adopt, don’t shop 🙂